


こうした現状を打破するべく、米国では政府肝いりで国の競争力強化戦略としてサービス・イノベーションの必要性が提言されている。(2004年12月:Palmisano Report)



<IBMのService Science研究Webサイト>

以下のIBM Webサイトは、Services Sciences, Management and Engineering(SSME)に関する世界の研究リソースを網羅的にカバーしている。


中にリンクがあるが、IBMが準備して大学教育機関が準備すべきService Science講座のコースシラバスは参考になる。どういうことを、どのように学生に教えるか、その時参考になる利用可能な資料は、どのようなものがすでに存在するか、パワーポイントの資料とともに、解説文も一緒に準備されていて、感心した。

また、同様に中にリンクがあるが、2006年5月にOxford大学で開催されたOxford Service Innovation Workshopは、MITのクスマノ教授他、サービスイノベーション研究先進国のキーパーソンが集まった会議だったように思われる。以下に発表資料のリンク先とワークショップアジェンダを掲載する。


Grand Challenges in Services[1]
Thursday 18th May and Friday 19th May 2006

Further details of this programme, and background materials, can be found online at:



Thursday 18th May 2006Seminar Room B, Said Business School
6.00pm Drinks Reception
7.15pm Dinner

Friday 19th May 2006Seminar Room A, Said Business School
7.45 – 8.30 Breakfast
8.30 – 8.45 Welcome, introductions and goals of the workshop
8.45 – 9.45 Globalization of Services

Services have become increasingly globalized with the emergence of new economies, notably India.They have become leading offshore locations for undertaking software development and all types of IT-enabled business services.This session will focus on:
lWhat are the key facilitators and barriers in globalization (ie. cross-border tradability) of services?What other factors, besides digitization of information and declining data transmission costs, matter?
lWhy are services less tradable than products, and why are certain types of services more tradable than others?
lWhat do countries, regions, and cities do to build their infrastructure and capabilities for delivering globalized services?

Rafiq Dossani (Stanford University) and Arun Aggawal and Sudir Varadarajan (TCS) will kick off the discussion.

9.45 – 10.15 Coffee
10.15 – 11.45 Products vs Services: Which is the Better Business Model?

Businesses and governments are increasingly focusing on improving productivity of services through the use of ICT.In this process, services are becoming ‘productized’ whilst some manufacturing is becoming ‘servicized’.This session will discuss the relative business merit of focusing on products, services, or hybrids, in the case of software and other types of industries.
lWhy are services less profitable than products in certain sectors, and more profitable in others?
lWhat new organizational forms (e.g. projects) are required to deliver bundles of products and services as integrated solutions to customers?
lWhat are the emergent business models for the vendors of business services, as they formulate strategies to capture value within the global service delivery network?
lHow is managerial and professional knowledge changing as corporations unbundle their functional departments?

Michael Cusumano (MIT) will present his perspectives, followed by Paul Maglio (IBM) and Richard Taylor (HP).

11.45-12.45 Public vs Private Sector Services: How do the Differences Matter?
This session will discuss two related issues.
lWhat distinguishes ‘public services’ from ‘private services’? How does this distinction matter for transactions between governments and businesses?
lWhat are specific challenges in collecting better data on productivity, prices, and trade in services?How might better statistics on services affect public policy to improve productivity and innovation?

Christopher Hood (All Souls, Oxford) and Tony Clayton (ONS) will kick off the discussion.

12.45 – 2.00 Lunch
2.00 – 2.30 Innovation in Services

This session will focus on what are the sources and consequences of innovation in services, which is a less well understood notion than innovation in products.
lHow useful is the contrast between open and closed innovation when applied to services?
lTo what extent can reusing and recombining of assets be a basis for innovation in services?
lWhat is the role of consumers or users in service innovation?
lHow do pressures to ‘productize’ (or commoditize) services alongside pressures to capturing value through customization affect the nature of service innovation?

Henry Chesborough (UC Berkeley) will present an open innovation perspective.

2.30 – 3.30 Breakout Sessions on Innovation in Services with perspectives from:
lComplexity Theory
lInnovation Studies

(with tea)

3.30 – 4.30 Plenary: Feedback from the breakout sessions
4.30 – 5.00 Identifying Research and Teaching Agenda, thanks and close

Background Papers
Three documents were prepared for this workshop.
1.Kiran Karnik, Sunil Metha and Gaurav Singh Globalization of Services: Facilitators and Barriers
2.Michael Cusumano, Steve Kahl, and Fernando F. Suarez Product, Process, and Service: A New Industry Lifecycle Model
3.Ammon Salter and Bruce Tether Innovation in Services: Through the Looking Glass of Innovation Studies


[1]This workshop has been supported by funding from the ESRC-EPSRC Advanced Institute of Management (www.aimresearch.org).

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